Spiritual Direction

Individuals, Groups and Leaders
The gift of a spiritual friend or soul companion is an increased awareness of God in everything and the space to respond to the “still, small voice within.” To help you draw from a deeper well in responding to life, to ministry, to work...
Spiritual Direction


Cultivate a safe place to experience God and process your own spiritual journey.

In spiritual direction a soul friend desires to cultivate the sacred space you long for so that you can connect with, reflect and experience God’s living presence. At its core, spiritual direction is “companionship in your ever-deepening relationship with God.”

It is sometimes easier to explain what spiritual direction is by explaining what it is not. It is not counseling or coaching. It is not structured or guided by any one but the Holy Spirit. This is your time. It is not talking but listening, not noisy but silent. It is sacred. It is prayer. It is holding space for Presence.



Group spiritual direction offers a way of listening and reflecting with a community of fellow travelers on our encounters and struggles with God in everyday life.

A spiritual direction group comes together to look beyond the world as we know it for guidance and understanding, for healing and for encouragement. We come together to be witnesses to God’s active presence in one another’s lives.


Leaders and Leadership Teams

For spiritual leaders in ministry, business and church who desire to lead from an understanding of God’s wisdom, while being deeply connected to Jesus’ way of life. Scripture says that without vision (seeing as God sees) the people will perish.

The great desire of leadership teams is to follow the leading of God, and not our own human wisdom and understanding. Discerning how The Holy Spirit is guiding requires humility, surrender and prayerful listening in the presence of God. Having an experienced spiritual facilitator to guide this process in a team setting can be invaluable… for the wisdom and direction of God is invaluable.


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