The Journey of Intimacy...

Falling and
Growing in Love
The Journey of Intimacy... Falling and Growing in Love
The Deeper Journey

The Deeper Journey

There comes a time in our lives when we may begin asking, is this all there is to a sacred journey... learning about God and doing for God? This has served us well, but now our heart’s desire is to come to really know who God is, the Person. A longing of the heart and soul begins to emerge and we desire to experience the same intimacy and union that Jesus experienced with His Abba Father. We are here to walk with you.

Our Journey Vision

There is a roadmap, an ancient path, to guide us into deep and ecstatic communion with God. A spiritual how-to manual to aid in discovering and experiencing a uniquely personal and radically refreshing relationship with our loving God. St. Augustine writes, “My heart is restless until it rests in you”. We begin the journey by noticing our restless heart, our broken heart, our heart that desires more, our heart that longs to be loved. Begin your journey right where you are...


An Intimate Journey

First Steps
Next Steps


Fresh Start

You and I were created by God to live intimately and passionately with God. The process of falling and growing in love (formation) takes place over a lifetime, through many seasons, as our Beloved God through the Spirit of God renews, revives, recalibrates, and restores us.

Our longing, our pain, our fear, and our weakness catapult us to search for and once discovered, say yes to the “more” that is promised us by God.

  • We become aware that we need a new way of living because the old way no longer works
  • We reach out, sometimes cry out for Divine help, willing for the first time to surrender the old and the comfortable
  • New life begins to emerge out of our hearts accompanied by a renewed hope and belonging
  • We find ourselves in need of a community where we can be mentored and grow
  • Ephesians 2:8-9 TPT

Falling in love is a process of hot and cold, sure and unsure, trust and fear...we are learning to hear Love call to us, but the pull of worldly attachments is still very real and sometimes very strong.

As God’s newly created companion recalibrated toward and reborn in Divine love, old loves and olddeeply worn pathways invite us to reconsider the “more” being offered to us.

  • We begin to become aware of our divided loyalties between a life with God and the world
  • We understand for the first time that God’s way is the best way
  • We can experience an internal struggle with mixed motives and temptations
  • We are being draw more deeply into prayer where God begins to call us into a deeper relationship of love and trust
  • Matthew 7:13 VOICE

God continues to meet us where we are and our spiritual practices of prayer, study, ministry and meeting in community become the foundation of our movement toward God and away from old desires and habits.

We become more aware of the longing within, enlightened at a deeper level through our concerted effort to know about and serve God.

  • We experience a relatively balanced life of faith with a genuine longing to know more about God
  • We desire to worship, study, and serve God in ways that honor our Creator
  • Our prayer life is mostly asking God for favors and thanking Him for prayers being answered
  • We begin to ask, “How do I come to really know God personally, and not just know about Him?”
  • John 17:3 TPT

As God begins to reveal His presence to us through profound touches of love, we are captivated and we hear God invite us to, “Come away with me. I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out”.

Prayer becomes “loving attention” in the direction of the One who loved us first. While at the same time, we see more clearly our dysfunction and worldly appetites. We experience how difficult receiving and giving love is.

  • God begins to reveal Himself through profound touches of His love and presence
  • Through grace we now see and feel God in prayer and in life, listening more than asking
  • Our hearts turn to wanting to know the Giver more than the gifts He gives
  • We begin to see more clearly our inner pain and trauma that keep us from receiving and giving love
  • 1 John 4:16 TPT

As we journey into deeply intimate and fresh experiences of God’s love the focus of our relationship with the Divine moves even further from “doing to being,” from “serving to loving”.

God is calling us to “merge” into Him and begin to grow and live into the experience of Jesus’ prayer for us so beautifully and lovingly expressed in the gospel of John (Chapter 17).

  • This is a time of transition when we begin to move even further from “doing” to “being”
  • God calls us to begin to live in union with our Creator as Jesus prayed for us in John 17
  • A hunger for God is deepening and our motives are being purified which can be a challenging experience (may feel like backsliding when it’s not)
  • Contemplation has become a regular part of our prayer life
  • John 17:23 TPT

As we are marked by even deeper experiences of God’s love we encounter a desire to live with God alone, to sense God’s presence continually and to serve God in any way He desires. God is all sufficient and all satisfying for us.

  • We have deeper experiences of God’s transforming love
  • This is the “falling in love” phase of our relationship with God that produces great joy and pain
  • There is a growing desire to live for God alone, wanting to serve Him with utter obedience
  • We become more aware of “counting as loss” those things that do not lead us into greater intimacy
  • Philippians 3:8 AMP

We discover that focused time in God’s silent presence sustains us and enables us to follow Him totally.

We experience the fruit or benefit of our journey of intimacy, the peace, the trust, the patience, the joy, and the love.

  • We experience the ultimate love of God offered to us this side of Heaven
  • Marked by complete integration of mind, body, and spirit, in the life of Christ
  • As Paul said, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me”
  • We learn to live transcendently in the present moment with a freedom to be oneself for God’s glory
  • John 15:5 TPT

First Steps
Next Steps



You and I were created by God to live intimately and passionately with God. The process of falling and growing in love (formation) takes place over a lifetime, through many seasons, as our Beloved God through the Spirit of God renews, revives, recalibrates, and restores us.

Our longing, our pain, our fear, and our weakness catapult us to search for and once discovered, say yes to the “more” that is promised us by God.

  • We become aware that we need a new way of living because the old way no longer works
  • We reach out, sometimes cry out for Divine help, willing for the first time to surrender the old and the comfortable
  • New life begins to emerge out of our hearts accompanied by a renewed hope and belonging
  • We find ourselves in need of a community where we can be mentored and grow
  • Ephesians 2:8-9 TPT

Falling in love is a process of hot and cold, sure and unsure, trust and fear...we are learning to hear Love call to us, but the pull of worldly attachments is still very real and sometimes very strong.

As God’s newly created companion recalibrated toward and reborn in Divine love, old loves and olddeeply worn pathways invite us to reconsider the “more” being offered to us.

  • We begin to become aware of our divided loyalties between a life with God and the world
  • We understand for the first time that God’s way is the best way
  • We can experience an internal struggle with mixed motives and temptations
  • We are being draw more deeply into prayer where God begins to call us into a deeper relationship of love and trust
  • Matthew 7:13 VOICE

God continues to meet us where we are and our spiritual practices of prayer, study, ministry and meeting in community become the foundation of our movement toward God and away from old desires and habits.

We become more aware of the longing within, enlightened at a deeper level through our concerted effort to know about and serve God.

  • We experience a relatively balanced life of faith with a genuine longing to know more about God
  • We desire to worship, study, and serve God in ways that honor our Creator
  • Our prayer life is mostly asking God for favors and thanking Him for prayers being answered
  • We begin to ask, “How do I come to really know God personally, and not just know about Him?”
  • John 17:3 TPT

As God begins to reveal His presence to us through profound touches of love, we are captivated and we hear God invite us to, “Come away with me. I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out”.

Prayer becomes “loving attention” in the direction of the One who loved us first. While at the same time, we see more clearly our dysfunction and worldly appetites. We experience how difficult receiving and giving love is.

  • God begins to reveal Himself through profound touches of His love and presence
  • Through grace we now see and feel God in prayer and in life, listening more than asking
  • Our hearts turn to wanting to know the Giver more than the gifts He gives
  • We begin to see more clearly our inner pain and trauma that keep us from receiving and giving love
  • 1 John 4:16 TPT

As we journey into deeply intimate and fresh experiences of God’s love the focus of our relationship with the Divine moves even further from “doing to being,” from “serving to loving”.

God is calling us to “merge” into Him and begin to grow and live into the experience of Jesus’ prayer for us so beautifully and lovingly expressed in the gospel of John (Chapter 17).

  • This is a time of transition when we begin to move even further from “doing” to “being”
  • God calls us to begin to live in union with our Creator as Jesus prayed for us in John 17
  • A hunger for God is deepening and our motives are being purified which can be a challenging experience (may feel like backsliding when it’s not)
  • Contemplation has become a regular part of our prayer life
  • John 17:23 TPT

As we are marked by even deeper experiences of God’s love we encounter a desire to live with God alone, to sense God’s presence continually and to serve God in any way He desires. God is all sufficient and all satisfying for us.

  • We have deeper experiences of God’s transforming love
  • This is the “falling in love” phase of our relationship with God that produces great joy and pain
  • There is a growing desire to live for God alone, wanting to serve Him with utter obedience
  • We become more aware of “counting as loss” those things that do not lead us into greater intimacy
  • Philippians 3:8 AMP

We discover that focused time in God’s silent presence sustains us and enables us to follow Him totally.

We experience the fruit or benefit of our journey of intimacy, the peace, the trust, the patience, the joy, and the love.

  • We experience the ultimate love of God offered to us this side of Heaven
  • Marked by complete integration of mind, body, and spirit, in the life of Christ
  • As Paul said, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me”
  • We learn to live transcendently in the present moment with a freedom to be oneself for God’s glory
  • John 15:5 TPT

First Steps
Next Steps



You and I were created by God to live intimately and passionately with God. The process of falling and growing in love (formation) takes place over a lifetime, through many seasons, as our Beloved God through the Spirit of God renews, revives, recalibrates, and restores us.

Our longing, our pain, our fear, and our weakness catapult us to search for and once discovered, say yes to the “more” that is promised us by God.

  • We become aware that we need a new way of living because the old way no longer works
  • We reach out, sometimes cry out for Divine help, willing for the first time to surrender the old and the comfortable
  • New life begins to emerge out of our hearts accompanied by a renewed hope and belonging
  • We find ourselves in need of a community where we can be mentored and grow
  • Ephesians 2:8-9 TPT

Falling in love is a process of hot and cold, sure and unsure, trust and fear...we are learning to hear Love call to us, but the pull of worldly attachments is still very real and sometimes very strong.

As God’s newly created companion recalibrated toward and reborn in Divine love, old loves and olddeeply worn pathways invite us to reconsider the “more” being offered to us.

  • We begin to become aware of our divided loyalties between a life with God and the world
  • We understand for the first time that God’s way is the best way
  • We can experience an internal struggle with mixed motives and temptations
  • We are being draw more deeply into prayer where God begins to call us into a deeper relationship of love and trust
  • Matthew 7:13 VOICE

God continues to meet us where we are and our spiritual practices of prayer, study, ministry and meeting in community become the foundation of our movement toward God and away from old desires and habits.

We become more aware of the longing within, enlightened at a deeper level through our concerted effort to know about and serve God.

  • We experience a relatively balanced life of faith with a genuine longing to know more about God
  • We desire to worship, study, and serve God in ways that honor our Creator
  • Our prayer life is mostly asking God for favors and thanking Him for prayers being answered
  • We begin to ask, “How do I come to really know God personally, and not just know about Him?”
  • John 17:3 TPT

As God begins to reveal His presence to us through profound touches of love, we are captivated and we hear God invite us to, “Come away with me. I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out”.

Prayer becomes “loving attention” in the direction of the One who loved us first. While at the same time, we see more clearly our dysfunction and worldly appetites. We experience how difficult receiving and giving love is.

  • God begins to reveal Himself through profound touches of His love and presence
  • Through grace we now see and feel God in prayer and in life, listening more than asking
  • Our hearts turn to wanting to know the Giver more than the gifts He gives
  • We begin to see more clearly our inner pain and trauma that keep us from receiving and giving love
  • 1 John 4:16 TPT

As we journey into deeply intimate and fresh experiences of God’s love the focus of our relationship with the Divine moves even further from “doing to being,” from “serving to loving”.

God is calling us to “merge” into Him and begin to grow and live into the experience of Jesus’ prayer for us so beautifully and lovingly expressed in the gospel of John (Chapter 17).

  • This is a time of transition when we begin to move even further from “doing” to “being”
  • God calls us to begin to live in union with our Creator as Jesus prayed for us in John 17
  • A hunger for God is deepening and our motives are being purified which can be a challenging experience (may feel like backsliding when it’s not)
  • Contemplation has become a regular part of our prayer life
  • John 17:23 TPT

As we are marked by even deeper experiences of God’s love we encounter a desire to live with God alone, to sense God’s presence continually and to serve God in any way He desires. God is all sufficient and all satisfying for us.

  • We have deeper experiences of God’s transforming love
  • This is the “falling in love” phase of our relationship with God that produces great joy and pain
  • There is a growing desire to live for God alone, wanting to serve Him with utter obedience
  • We become more aware of “counting as loss” those things that do not lead us into greater intimacy
  • Philippians 3:8 AMP

We discover that focused time in God’s silent presence sustains us and enables us to follow Him totally.

We experience the fruit or benefit of our journey of intimacy, the peace, the trust, the patience, the joy, and the love.

  • We experience the ultimate love of God offered to us this side of Heaven
  • Marked by complete integration of mind, body, and spirit, in the life of Christ
  • As Paul said, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me”
  • We learn to live transcendently in the present moment with a freedom to be oneself for God’s glory
  • John 15:5 TPT

First Steps
Next Steps



You and I were created by God to live intimately and passionately with God. The process of falling and growing in love (formation) takes place over a lifetime, through many seasons, as our Beloved God through the Spirit of God renews, revives, recalibrates, and restores us.

Our longing, our pain, our fear, and our weakness catapult us to search for and once discovered, say yes to the “more” that is promised us by God.

  • We become aware that we need a new way of living because the old way no longer works
  • We reach out, sometimes cry out for Divine help, willing for the first time to surrender the old and the comfortable
  • New life begins to emerge out of our hearts accompanied by a renewed hope and belonging
  • We find ourselves in need of a community where we can be mentored and grow
  • Ephesians 2:8-9 TPT

Falling in love is a process of hot and cold, sure and unsure, trust and fear...we are learning to hear Love call to us, but the pull of worldly attachments is still very real and sometimes very strong.

As God’s newly created companion recalibrated toward and reborn in Divine love, old loves and olddeeply worn pathways invite us to reconsider the “more” being offered to us.

  • We begin to become aware of our divided loyalties between a life with God and the world
  • We understand for the first time that God’s way is the best way
  • We can experience an internal struggle with mixed motives and temptations
  • We are being draw more deeply into prayer where God begins to call us into a deeper relationship of love and trust
  • Matthew 7:13 VOICE

God continues to meet us where we are and our spiritual practices of prayer, study, ministry and meeting in community become the foundation of our movement toward God and away from old desires and habits.

We become more aware of the longing within, enlightened at a deeper level through our concerted effort to know about and serve God.

  • We experience a relatively balanced life of faith with a genuine longing to know more about God
  • We desire to worship, study, and serve God in ways that honor our Creator
  • Our prayer life is mostly asking God for favors and thanking Him for prayers being answered
  • We begin to ask, “How do I come to really know God personally, and not just know about Him?”
  • John 17:3 TPT

As God begins to reveal His presence to us through profound touches of love, we are captivated and we hear God invite us to, “Come away with me. I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out”.

Prayer becomes “loving attention” in the direction of the One who loved us first. While at the same time, we see more clearly our dysfunction and worldly appetites. We experience how difficult receiving and giving love is.

  • God begins to reveal Himself through profound touches of His love and presence
  • Through grace we now see and feel God in prayer and in life, listening more than asking
  • Our hearts turn to wanting to know the Giver more than the gifts He gives
  • We begin to see more clearly our inner pain and trauma that keep us from receiving and giving love
  • 1 John 4:16 TPT

As we journey into deeply intimate and fresh experiences of God’s love the focus of our relationship with the Divine moves even further from “doing to being,” from “serving to loving”.

God is calling us to “merge” into Him and begin to grow and live into the experience of Jesus’ prayer for us so beautifully and lovingly expressed in the gospel of John (Chapter 17).

  • This is a time of transition when we begin to move even further from “doing” to “being”
  • God calls us to begin to live in union with our Creator as Jesus prayed for us in John 17
  • A hunger for God is deepening and our motives are being purified which can be a challenging experience (may feel like backsliding when it’s not)
  • Contemplation has become a regular part of our prayer life
  • John 17:23 TPT

As we are marked by even deeper experiences of God’s love we encounter a desire to live with God alone, to sense God’s presence continually and to serve God in any way He desires. God is all sufficient and all satisfying for us.

  • We have deeper experiences of God’s transforming love
  • This is the “falling in love” phase of our relationship with God that produces great joy and pain
  • There is a growing desire to live for God alone, wanting to serve Him with utter obedience
  • We become more aware of “counting as loss” those things that do not lead us into greater intimacy
  • Philippians 3:8 AMP

We discover that focused time in God’s silent presence sustains us and enables us to follow Him totally.

We experience the fruit or benefit of our journey of intimacy, the peace, the trust, the patience, the joy, and the love.

  • We experience the ultimate love of God offered to us this side of Heaven
  • Marked by complete integration of mind, body, and spirit, in the life of Christ
  • As Paul said, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me”
  • We learn to live transcendently in the present moment with a freedom to be oneself for God’s glory
  • John 15:5 TPT

First Steps
Next Steps



You and I were created by God to live intimately and passionately with God. The process of falling and growing in love (formation) takes place over a lifetime, through many seasons, as our Beloved God through the Spirit of God renews, revives, recalibrates, and restores us.

Our longing, our pain, our fear, and our weakness catapult us to search for and once discovered, say yes to the “more” that is promised us by God.

  • We become aware that we need a new way of living because the old way no longer works
  • We reach out, sometimes cry out for Divine help, willing for the first time to surrender the old and the comfortable
  • New life begins to emerge out of our hearts accompanied by a renewed hope and belonging
  • We find ourselves in need of a community where we can be mentored and grow
  • Ephesians 2:8-9 TPT

Falling in love is a process of hot and cold, sure and unsure, trust and fear...we are learning to hear Love call to us, but the pull of worldly attachments is still very real and sometimes very strong.

As God’s newly created companion recalibrated toward and reborn in Divine love, old loves and olddeeply worn pathways invite us to reconsider the “more” being offered to us.

  • We begin to become aware of our divided loyalties between a life with God and the world
  • We understand for the first time that God’s way is the best way
  • We can experience an internal struggle with mixed motives and temptations
  • We are being draw more deeply into prayer where God begins to call us into a deeper relationship of love and trust
  • Matthew 7:13 VOICE

God continues to meet us where we are and our spiritual practices of prayer, study, ministry and meeting in community become the foundation of our movement toward God and away from old desires and habits.

We become more aware of the longing within, enlightened at a deeper level through our concerted effort to know about and serve God.

  • We experience a relatively balanced life of faith with a genuine longing to know more about God
  • We desire to worship, study, and serve God in ways that honor our Creator
  • Our prayer life is mostly asking God for favors and thanking Him for prayers being answered
  • We begin to ask, “How do I come to really know God personally, and not just know about Him?”
  • John 17:3 TPT

As God begins to reveal His presence to us through profound touches of love, we are captivated and we hear God invite us to, “Come away with me. I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out”.

Prayer becomes “loving attention” in the direction of the One who loved us first. While at the same time, we see more clearly our dysfunction and worldly appetites. We experience how difficult receiving and giving love is.

  • God begins to reveal Himself through profound touches of His love and presence
  • Through grace we now see and feel God in prayer and in life, listening more than asking
  • Our hearts turn to wanting to know the Giver more than the gifts He gives
  • We begin to see more clearly our inner pain and trauma that keep us from receiving and giving love
  • 1 John 4:16 TPT

As we journey into deeply intimate and fresh experiences of God’s love the focus of our relationship with the Divine moves even further from “doing to being,” from “serving to loving”.

God is calling us to “merge” into Him and begin to grow and live into the experience of Jesus’ prayer for us so beautifully and lovingly expressed in the gospel of John (Chapter 17).

  • This is a time of transition when we begin to move even further from “doing” to “being”
  • God calls us to begin to live in union with our Creator as Jesus prayed for us in John 17
  • A hunger for God is deepening and our motives are being purified which can be a challenging experience (may feel like backsliding when it’s not)
  • Contemplation has become a regular part of our prayer life
  • John 17:23 TPT

As we are marked by even deeper experiences of God’s love we encounter a desire to live with God alone, to sense God’s presence continually and to serve God in any way He desires. God is all sufficient and all satisfying for us.

  • We have deeper experiences of God’s transforming love
  • This is the “falling in love” phase of our relationship with God that produces great joy and pain
  • There is a growing desire to live for God alone, wanting to serve Him with utter obedience
  • We become more aware of “counting as loss” those things that do not lead us into greater intimacy
  • Philippians 3:8 AMP

We discover that focused time in God’s silent presence sustains us and enables us to follow Him totally.

We experience the fruit or benefit of our journey of intimacy, the peace, the trust, the patience, the joy, and the love.

  • We experience the ultimate love of God offered to us this side of Heaven
  • Marked by complete integration of mind, body, and spirit, in the life of Christ
  • As Paul said, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me”
  • We learn to live transcendently in the present moment with a freedom to be oneself for God’s glory
  • John 15:5 TPT

First Steps
Next Steps



You and I were created by God to live intimately and passionately with God. The process of falling and growing in love (formation) takes place over a lifetime, through many seasons, as our Beloved God through the Spirit of God renews, revives, recalibrates, and restores us.

Our longing, our pain, our fear, and our weakness catapult us to search for and once discovered, say yes to the “more” that is promised us by God.

  • We become aware that we need a new way of living because the old way no longer works
  • We reach out, sometimes cry out for Divine help, willing for the first time to surrender the old and the comfortable
  • New life begins to emerge out of our hearts accompanied by a renewed hope and belonging
  • We find ourselves in need of a community where we can be mentored and grow
  • Ephesians 2:8-9 TPT

Falling in love is a process of hot and cold, sure and unsure, trust and fear...we are learning to hear Love call to us, but the pull of worldly attachments is still very real and sometimes very strong.

As God’s newly created companion recalibrated toward and reborn in Divine love, old loves and olddeeply worn pathways invite us to reconsider the “more” being offered to us.

  • We begin to become aware of our divided loyalties between a life with God and the world
  • We understand for the first time that God’s way is the best way
  • We can experience an internal struggle with mixed motives and temptations
  • We are being draw more deeply into prayer where God begins to call us into a deeper relationship of love and trust
  • Matthew 7:13 VOICE

God continues to meet us where we are and our spiritual practices of prayer, study, ministry and meeting in community become the foundation of our movement toward God and away from old desires and habits.

We become more aware of the longing within, enlightened at a deeper level through our concerted effort to know about and serve God.

  • We experience a relatively balanced life of faith with a genuine longing to know more about God
  • We desire to worship, study, and serve God in ways that honor our Creator
  • Our prayer life is mostly asking God for favors and thanking Him for prayers being answered
  • We begin to ask, “How do I come to really know God personally, and not just know about Him?”
  • John 17:3 TPT

As God begins to reveal His presence to us through profound touches of love, we are captivated and we hear God invite us to, “Come away with me. I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out”.

Prayer becomes “loving attention” in the direction of the One who loved us first. While at the same time, we see more clearly our dysfunction and worldly appetites. We experience how difficult receiving and giving love is.

  • God begins to reveal Himself through profound touches of His love and presence
  • Through grace we now see and feel God in prayer and in life, listening more than asking
  • Our hearts turn to wanting to know the Giver more than the gifts He gives
  • We begin to see more clearly our inner pain and trauma that keep us from receiving and giving love
  • 1 John 4:16 TPT

As we journey into deeply intimate and fresh experiences of God’s love the focus of our relationship with the Divine moves even further from “doing to being,” from “serving to loving”.

God is calling us to “merge” into Him and begin to grow and live into the experience of Jesus’ prayer for us so beautifully and lovingly expressed in the gospel of John (Chapter 17).

  • This is a time of transition when we begin to move even further from “doing” to “being”
  • God calls us to begin to live in union with our Creator as Jesus prayed for us in John 17
  • A hunger for God is deepening and our motives are being purified which can be a challenging experience (may feel like backsliding when it’s not)
  • Contemplation has become a regular part of our prayer life
  • John 17:23 TPT

As we are marked by even deeper experiences of God’s love we encounter a desire to live with God alone, to sense God’s presence continually and to serve God in any way He desires. God is all sufficient and all satisfying for us.

  • We have deeper experiences of God’s transforming love
  • This is the “falling in love” phase of our relationship with God that produces great joy and pain
  • There is a growing desire to live for God alone, wanting to serve Him with utter obedience
  • We become more aware of “counting as loss” those things that do not lead us into greater intimacy
  • Philippians 3:8 AMP

We discover that focused time in God’s silent presence sustains us and enables us to follow Him totally.

We experience the fruit or benefit of our journey of intimacy, the peace, the trust, the patience, the joy, and the love.

  • We experience the ultimate love of God offered to us this side of Heaven
  • Marked by complete integration of mind, body, and spirit, in the life of Christ
  • As Paul said, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me”
  • We learn to live transcendently in the present moment with a freedom to be oneself for God’s glory
  • John 15:5 TPT

First Steps
Next Steps



You and I were created by God to live intimately and passionately with God. The process of falling and growing in love (formation) takes place over a lifetime, through many seasons, as our Beloved God through the Spirit of God renews, revives, recalibrates, and restores us.

Our longing, our pain, our fear, and our weakness catapult us to search for and once discovered, say yes to the “more” that is promised us by God.

  • We become aware that we need a new way of living because the old way no longer works
  • We reach out, sometimes cry out for Divine help, willing for the first time to surrender the old and the comfortable
  • New life begins to emerge out of our hearts accompanied by a renewed hope and belonging
  • We find ourselves in need of a community where we can be mentored and grow
  • Ephesians 2:8-9 TPT

Falling in love is a process of hot and cold, sure and unsure, trust and fear...we are learning to hear Love call to us, but the pull of worldly attachments is still very real and sometimes very strong.

As God’s newly created companion recalibrated toward and reborn in Divine love, old loves and olddeeply worn pathways invite us to reconsider the “more” being offered to us.

  • We begin to become aware of our divided loyalties between a life with God and the world
  • We understand for the first time that God’s way is the best way
  • We can experience an internal struggle with mixed motives and temptations
  • We are being draw more deeply into prayer where God begins to call us into a deeper relationship of love and trust
  • Matthew 7:13 VOICE

God continues to meet us where we are and our spiritual practices of prayer, study, ministry and meeting in community become the foundation of our movement toward God and away from old desires and habits.

We become more aware of the longing within, enlightened at a deeper level through our concerted effort to know about and serve God.

  • We experience a relatively balanced life of faith with a genuine longing to know more about God
  • We desire to worship, study, and serve God in ways that honor our Creator
  • Our prayer life is mostly asking God for favors and thanking Him for prayers being answered
  • We begin to ask, “How do I come to really know God personally, and not just know about Him?”
  • John 17:3 TPT

As God begins to reveal His presence to us through profound touches of love, we are captivated and we hear God invite us to, “Come away with me. I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out”.

Prayer becomes “loving attention” in the direction of the One who loved us first. While at the same time, we see more clearly our dysfunction and worldly appetites. We experience how difficult receiving and giving love is.

  • God begins to reveal Himself through profound touches of His love and presence
  • Through grace we now see and feel God in prayer and in life, listening more than asking
  • Our hearts turn to wanting to know the Giver more than the gifts He gives
  • We begin to see more clearly our inner pain and trauma that keep us from receiving and giving love
  • 1 John 4:16 TPT

As we journey into deeply intimate and fresh experiences of God’s love the focus of our relationship with the Divine moves even further from “doing to being,” from “serving to loving”.

God is calling us to “merge” into Him and begin to grow and live into the experience of Jesus’ prayer for us so beautifully and lovingly expressed in the gospel of John (Chapter 17).

  • This is a time of transition when we begin to move even further from “doing” to “being”
  • God calls us to begin to live in union with our Creator as Jesus prayed for us in John 17
  • A hunger for God is deepening and our motives are being purified which can be a challenging experience (may feel like backsliding when it’s not)
  • Contemplation has become a regular part of our prayer life
  • John 17:23 TPT

As we are marked by even deeper experiences of God’s love we encounter a desire to live with God alone, to sense God’s presence continually and to serve God in any way He desires. God is all sufficient and all satisfying for us.

  • We have deeper experiences of God’s transforming love
  • This is the “falling in love” phase of our relationship with God that produces great joy and pain
  • There is a growing desire to live for God alone, wanting to serve Him with utter obedience
  • We become more aware of “counting as loss” those things that do not lead us into greater intimacy
  • Philippians 3:8 AMP

We discover that focused time in God’s silent presence sustains us and enables us to follow Him totally.

We experience the fruit or benefit of our journey of intimacy, the peace, the trust, the patience, the joy, and the love.

  • We experience the ultimate love of God offered to us this side of Heaven
  • Marked by complete integration of mind, body, and spirit, in the life of Christ
  • As Paul said, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me”
  • We learn to live transcendently in the present moment with a freedom to be oneself for God’s glory
  • John 15:5 TPT

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